Pinkbliss Lily And Rose Bouquet


Product Details:

The Pinkbliss Lily and Rose Bouquet features an elegant arrangement of 30 vibrant red roses and 2 delicate pink lilies, beautifully presented in a stylish basket. This striking combination of roses and lilies creates a perfect blend of passion and grace, making it an ideal choice for expressing love and admiration. The basket arrangement adds a touch of charm and sophistication to this stunning floral display.


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Product Details:

The Pinkbliss Lily and Rose Bouquet features an elegant arrangement of 30 vibrant red roses and 2 delicate pink lilies, beautifully presented in a stylish basket. This striking combination of roses and lilies creates a perfect blend of passion and grace, making it an ideal choice for expressing love and admiration. The basket arrangement adds a touch of charm and sophistication to this stunning floral display.


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