Sunshine Roses & Carnation Bouquet


Product Details:

The “Sunshine Roses & Carnation Bouquet” is a stunning arrangement that brings together the classic beauty of 10 red roses and 10 white carnations, creating a vibrant and elegant floral display. The bouquet is thoughtfully accented with lush green fillers, adding a touch of freshness and vitality. Wrapped in a rustic jute sheet, the bouquet exudes a natural charm and sophistication. It is beautifully tied with a red ribbon, which enhances its festive and romantic appeal. This arrangement is perfect for celebrating special moments and spreading joy with its bright and cheerful combination of colors.

  • 10 Red Roses
  • 10 White Carnation
  • green Fillers
  • Jute Sheet
  • Beautifully Tied with Red Ribbon


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Product Details:

The “Sunshine Roses & Carnation Bouquet” is a stunning arrangement that brings together the classic beauty of 10 red roses and 10 white carnations, creating a vibrant and elegant floral display. The bouquet is thoughtfully accented with lush green fillers, adding a touch of freshness and vitality. Wrapped in a rustic jute sheet, the bouquet exudes a natural charm and sophistication. It is beautifully tied with a red ribbon, which enhances its festive and romantic appeal. This arrangement is perfect for celebrating special moments and spreading joy with its bright and cheerful combination of colors.

  • 10 Red Roses
  • 10 White Carnation
  • green Fillers
  • Jute Sheet
  • Beautifully Tied with Red Ribbon


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